I was Playing around with the WR settings and I figured out how to change the Sound of any WarRock Gun, to any sound you want...
ok first...
Go to: C:\Program Files\War Rock\Sounds\Wepons
A list of Wepons should apear... then..
You click on any gun you want to change, and Drage the "WR_sound" File out on your Desktop.
Then drag the gun you want to trade it with onto the desktop... and Switch them around and.... Poof!!! Next time, you play war rock, the gun you chose will sound like the other gun you chose!
It is a Really Sweet sound mod that I found..
PS: I am currently figuring out how to switch a Shotty with a Colt, you can have a Shotty, Undetected... I just need to add the Static mesh...